Daisy TY Booking
Daisy TY is delivered through a lived experience of Disability.
This is a pioneering disability and awareness programme which has been created by Irish Wheelchair Association, one of Ireland’s leading representative organisations and service providers for people with physical disabilities.
DAISY transition year aims to challenge the perceptions and stereotypes of people with disabilities by demonstrating understanding, awareness and inclusivity through case studies on experiences of people with disabilities. With a focus on the accessibility of our everyday environments like schools, restaurants and other public spaces this programme will give students a practical view of the barriers people with disabilities experience daily.
Plus, we will provide you with all the information, resources and tools you need to challenge perceptions and stereotypes of people with disabilities.
If you’re a teacher please get in touch with us below and for students you can nominate your school by sharing this link with your teacher.

If you would like to avail of a Disability Awareness Workshop for Transition Year students please fill in the form below to arrange a call-back and book a slot.